Through the re-elaboration of the data entered in the database, the DGC provides constantly updated statistics on the tree and shrub species surveyed in the urban center

of Abbiategrasso.

By measuring the leaf surface of trees, shrubs and meadows, the DGC calculates

the amount of photosynthesizing area that lies on the territory.

The quantity of photosynthesizing tissue determines some of the main ecosystem activities which are consequently estimated.


Consult the statistics of the tree and shrub species surveyed in the urban center

of Abbiategrasso. The statistics can be generated in real-time by clicking “STAT.” on and then clicking “SCHEDE BILANCIO DEL VERDE”, “PATRIMONIO ARBOREO PER GENERE” or “PATRIMONIO ARBOREO PER SPECIE BOTANICA”.

Click here for the green balance data sheets.

Click here for the statistics of the tree heritage by genus.

Click here for the statistics of the tree heritage by botanical species.